Below are links to some publications that may be of interest.
Amnesty International is a global, independent organization with over 7 million members who take action against injustice by defending human rights around the world. Currently, the Director of LAECOVI, Prof. Rosario Ortega Ruiz, works as an advisor to this organization.
You can view an interesting article here
Bibliometric study on Cyberbullying
(Achuthan et al., 2023), featuring the
University of Córdoba and professors
Rosario Ortega and Izabela Zych, among
the main institutions and authors that have
contributed to international research in this
field from 2010 to 2021.
Access the full text on the following link:
This bibliometric review lists Spain as the 3rd country with the most publications on bullying (n = 189, 8.91%) and the leading country in publications on cyberbullying (n = 98, 19.71%), between 2011-2020, with Prof. Rosario Ortega-Ruiz as one of the 10 authors with the highest number of references. The illustration (left) has been taken from the article: This work also challenges us to continue working to tackle important challenges, such as creating cohesive, collaborative global research network on bullying and cyberbullying.